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Preparing Cold Brew: 5 steps to pleasure

The days are getting longer and the temperatures are slowly rising – spring is just around the corner and the desire for a refreshing cold drink is growing. We recommend: COLD BREW! In this recipe, we show you how you can easily make this trendy drink yourself.
The trendy cold drink originally comes from Japan, where cold brew has been drunk for centuries. There, it is called slow-drip cold brew or Kyoto-style cold brew. As the name suggests, the coffee is brewed with cold water and left to brew for several hours. The special thing about cold brew is the extraction time, which is 12 to 24 hours, depending on the desired strength. This means that fewer bitter substances and acids are released and the cold brew tastes refreshingly smooth. The best thing about Cold Brew is that you don't need an expensive coffee machine to make a delicious result. We show you how it's done and what you need to make it.

What equipment you need:

● Two containers (with a capacity of about 1 litre)
● A hand filter including a paper filter (alternatively, a metal filter will also work).
● Cold, filtered water
● Delicious filter coffee

Alternatively, you can also buy a cold brew maker, such as the Filter-in Coffee Bottle from Hario.

In our Filter coffee range you can choose a suitable coffee for your cold brew, depending on whether you prefer your cold brew to be chocolaty or fruity.

We can particularly recommend the current filter coffee Olochoy from Kenya for a sweet and berry flavour.

Key data

● Amount of coffee: 125g
● Amount of water: 1 litre (ratio 1:8)
● Temperature: cold or room temperature
● Extraction time: 12-24 hours
● Grind size: coarse (French Press)

Make your own cold brew in 5 steps

Step: 1

Grind your filter coffee fresh before preparing the cold brew. The grind should be as coarse as possible, similar to the French Press. Fill the coffee into one of the two containers.

Step: 2

Now pour 1 litre of filtered water into the container and pour in your coffee. Make sure that the coffee is nicely mixed with the water. Stir several times with a wooden stick so that all the coffee grounds are moistened and no lumps form.

Step: 3

Now the hardest part is done! Cover the opening of your container and put it in the fridge for 12-24 hours. In this case, we chose a bottle. The longer you let the coffee brew, the more intense the flavour and the more caffeinated the drink. Feel free to experiment with the extraction times to get the best brewing results!

Step: 4

Almost done! After the coffee has been in the fridge long enough, it's time to filter out the coffee grounds and enjoy. Now place the filter on the opening of your second container and pour the Cold Brew evenly over the filter.

Step: 5

Now all you have to do is add ice cubes to the glass, pour in the cold brew and enjoy! Insider tip: Pimp your Cold Brew with a squeeze of orange or lemon.
Happy Brewing,
your Röststätte Brew Crew
written by

Team Röststätte

At the Röststätte blog, we are your experts on the subject of brew guides and coffee recipes. Our head barista and roasters also create the tasting notes and brew recipes on the product page of our coffees.
Do you have a question or suggestion? Then feel free to send us a message.
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