Caffeine drinks: Five coffee drink recipes to wake you up

Espresso Martini
2cl Cold Brew X
1 Espresso Shot
Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice cubes and shake vigorously. Double strain.

Coffee Daiquiri
2cl Cold Brew X
3cl lime juice
1,5cl honey
Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice cubes and shake vigorously for 20 seconds. Strain into a glass and optionally garnish with lime.

Coffee Negroni
3cl Red Vermouth
3cl Campari
Pour all ingredients into a tumbler filled with ice cubes and stir until cold. Garnish with orange zest and serve.

Rye Coffee Sour
3cl Kyrö Dark Gin
1cl Freshly squeezed lemon juice
1cl maple syrup
1 bar spoon walnut spirit
Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice cubes and shake. Then pour into a coupette or tumbler.

Cold Brew & Tonic
3cl London Dry Gin (optional)
Dry tonic water to taste
Pour all ingredients except the tonic into a highball glass filled with ice cubes and top up with tonic water to taste.

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