When preparing espresso with a portafilter machine, the most important thing is a recipe and precise settings. Our Head Barista shows in the video how to set your espresso correctly.

When preparing espresso with a portafilter machine, the most important thing is a recipe and precise settings. Our Head Barista shows in the video how to set your espresso correctly.
When preparing espresso with a portafilter machine, the most important thing is a recipe and precise settings. Our Head Barista shows in the video how to set your espresso correctly.
Need a refreshment? No problem. Our cold brew recipe will get you through the spring chilled and you can easily make your own cold brew at home.
For decades, filter coffee was only ever brewed by grandma and grandpa in the old filter machine – but that has changed. Filter coffee has become a coffee speciality. With our recipe for the V60 hand filter, you can definitely create a café experience at home.
We show you a popular basic recipe for the AeroPress with which you can get started in no time.
In the following Brew Guide, we will show you how to brew better coffee with the so-called French Press.
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